Friday, September 16, 2011

Art Photography :Stunning Photographs by Alvar Astulez

Rarely do I feel the urge to write a testimonial.....this one is easy! Alvar Astulez lets your mind wander to places that makes you smile. One has to remember that images are imprints of the photographer mind how he/she wants the images to be remembered. Alvar has an uncanny ability create stellar compositions, but also…. processes them to an amazing level. Alvar has raised the flickr bar as far as I am concerned. I have to state that Alvar’s photos are some of the most imitated (at least attempted) at flickr. My hat is off every time Alvar post a new photo and I use him an inspiration to keep myself going with flickr. This man delivers every time he post! Check out his photo stream……and you will keep coming back for more!

The reverence

Las cigüeñas

Magic moment

Portrait to a friend

the moon lake

The raven

Vitoria, Plza. Euskaltzaindia


The dreams of the forest

The field in summer

The Spring

The way

Una mañana de primavera

White moon


  1. أشكركم على كل شىء

  2. انها صور رائعة نشاهد فيها صنعة الخالق

  3. The way :^&

    No restricts in our way

    it just 4 animals and vehicles !!

  4. انها تفوق كلمة رائعة

  5. فى غاية الروعة

  6. Hey, Great, really great photos and great Photographer.

  7. صور جميلة بارك الله في من صنعها وفى من نشرها
