Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Life Expressed by The Photograph Manipulator Ben Goossen

The life, it's not a small word, it involves between it's letters a large meanings that we could not understand. The life is every thing on the space and in the planet. Our life is a small thing in this large world. Everything has its own behavior and its own secrets. We are living in a world fulled by secrets and mysteries that are not solved and we don't know it even.

Here, the trying the artist Ben Goossen , a photograph manipulator, to imagine some of this life secrets. Here is some of these photos. Have a good time with this philosophy :)

A home

Catch the power of communication

Lost roots




Spring will be there soon

Stairway to heaven


Who is afraid of a tree

Stunning Nature Fused with Humans Artwork By Cecelia Webber

These stunning artwork is belongs to Cecelia Webber a based artist from Los Angeles. He uses photographs of the human body to create digital images of flowers — kind of like the grownup version of Geddes babies. “It was really an accident,” Webber, a neuroscience graduate from USC, told Modern Luxury. “I shot a nude figure against a black background and thought it looked so much like a petal I just went with it.”


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stunning Abstract Photograph For Loneliness

When I miss you,  I feel that I need you so much, I can't be a lone without you, you are my soul without you I'm dead. These words doesn't have the effect of loneliness like these stunning abstract photographs. There's a lot of things the words can't appear the with the real feelings and emotions. Watch these stunning photos captured by the photographer  Julie de Waroquier  and others that show you the meaning of being alone.

Unconscious life

Walking on adream

Welcome to my place

a quest for beauty by temporary peace

chained by temporary peace

All my frail hopes

Back to reality

Cry me a river

flowers stream by snowfall lullabyd

Her own world

I dont fit this world

I have to go

Left alone

Live for the future

The road

The weight of your words

Time goes by like a train

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Huilo-Huilo, The Magic Mountain Hotel In Chile

Do you want to travel to Chile  then don't forget to visit the mountain hotel their. This hotel is located in Patagonia, in Southern  Chile. This hotel as a unique stunning architecture that differs from the other hotels you know. It has a waterfall in the top middle of the Huilo-Huilo biological reserve uniquely shaped hotel  with narrow swinging wooden bridge.

The Magic Mountain Hotel and Hotel Baobab are in the heart of the Huilo Huilo nature reserve. The architecture, combined with the forest setting and has four star international service.